University Cooperative School

5601 University Way NE

Seattle, WA 98105


Hands-On & Project-Based

Not only is it more fun, but hands-on learning is the best way to engage children’s natural curiosity and energy. University Cooperative School students build, imagine, embody, and visit. In short, they do. For our students, school is a place where learning is personally meaningful and exciting.

Key pieces of our curriculum are divided into multi-subject, long-term projects. While learning core academic material, students also hone skills in working cooperatively, staying focused in long-term projects, and understanding connections among different disciplines and topics. Students are encouraged to run with their own interests, becoming experts, and then teaching others what they know.

Social & Emotional Learning

At University Cooperative School, children are explicitly supported in developing self-knowledge and the skills to articulate themselves to each other and to adults. Teachers value each child, celebrating their strengths while also encouraging them to take on the next thing, whether little or big.

Children learn to collaborate, developing skills in conflict resolution and problem solving. They learn to listen to each other and to advocate for one another as part of building a caring and compassionate community committed to equity, inclusion, and social justice.

Multi-Age Learning Environments

In our multi-age programs, children become adept at leadership, teamwork, and collaboration—skills in high demand in today’s world.

Multi-age groups provide an opportunity for diverse social experiences, including mentoring, cross-grade friendships, and exposure to different abilities and learning styles.

Arts Infusion

The arts are a cornerstone of learning at University Cooperative School. Arts are infused at every level into the curriculum, from book-binding in literacy class to designing and building cars and boats to explore physics.

Guided by our art teacher and an array of talented specialists, students create every day. Arts disciplines include visual arts, drama, dance and creative movement, instrumental music, singing, cooking, and more.