University Cooperative School

5601 University Way NE

Seattle, WA 98105


Striking It Rich

At University Co-op, you have the unique opportunity to be involved in your child’s education and create unforgettable memories together. Parents and caregivers experience a richness to their lives from spending time with a host of amazing children. Families get to know the students as their children’s friends, and they get to know and admire them as individuals.

Home Away From Home

Parents/guardians are always welcome in the building and many feel as familiar with and comfortable at the school as their students do.

Travel Companions

Parents/guardians reap the benefits of sharing the journey of caregiving with others. There is a spirit of helping, caring, and sharing among families. Friendships that last a lifetime begin at University Cooperative School.

Family Participation. Choose your own Adventure!

Parents/guardians typically have either a classroom workshift or one school job that suits their interests, skills, and availability (per family).  There is a wide range of jobs; examples include serving on the Board of Trustees, helping with school events like the auction or open house, supporting health and safety, facilities maintenance, and more! Families with daytime availability can also volunteer during the school day on a work shift. We are committed to an inclusive environment where our school is accessible to as many families as possible. We don’t want time constraints to be a barrier for anyone to send their child to University Co-op.

Community Meetings & Connections

Families attend a monthly community meeting and participate in occasional work parties. There are many additional opportunities to volunteer for field trips or our outdoor programs, help with school projects, and participate in community events, to whatever extent works for an individual family.


Tuition alone does not cover all of the expenses involved in educating a University Cooperative School student. We rely on fundraising to bridge this gap. All families are expected to participate in the school’s two main fundraising events: the annual fund and auction.

I chose University Cooperative School because I knew that my children would thrive here and I wanted to be involved in their school life beyond the pre-school years. What I didn’t anticipate is just how amazing it is to be part of this community.

– University Cooperative School Parent